You Are
Complete, Unique & Brilliant,
Just As You Are…

It can sometimes be a scary world for curious little people trying to find their way… but my friends and I have a secret to share which is making that journey way more exciting, positive and FUN! That secret is the truth that everything you need to be the best possible YOU – All the Joy, Strength, Love, Dreams, Courage and Beauty – is already there… WITHIN YOU NOW!
Listen and Sing Along!

Meet Tara Kennedy!
The Owner, Author, and Creator of Within Me Now
Just like many of you, my journey started when I became responsible for the care and raising of teeny-tiny humans. As a new mom, in between waves of pride and joy, I struggled through tantrums and meltdowns and sharing and BIG emotions…and in every moment I found myself wondering if I was missing something…if I was “doing it right” and if I really had what it took to be the best possible parent I could be. As those little people began to grow, my desire to work with children and their parents grew as well. I began my first toy business, TK’s Toy Box when my oldest was just 2 years old. Based on…

Positive Results!
The world keeps turning, changing and evolving and as result, our kiddos are growing up surrounded by and immersed in complex situations, technologies, and expectations which can inhibit their ability to recognize their own Unique Brilliance and appreciate their inner gifts and strengths.
Through Within Me Now, you can give the gifts of joy, courage and hope to someone you love!
Learn more about our friends by clicking the link for the character below…you can even take our quiz to find out which friend most aligns with you.

Meet The Characters!


Dolls that Inspire Change
It’s never too soon to learn about the greatness within you! Our six friends are more than just fun and adorable…learn about how they actually represent the 6 petals of the positive psychology model as well as get tips, news, videos and information on how to support the message of Within Me Now in your community.

All the love you need is Within you Now!

Positivity Swag!
Who says you can’t buy a little happiness?Are you all about shopping for adults and children who want to surround themselves with positive vibes? Then this is the spot for you to get some retail therapy.
We have scoured the globe for Intentional, Purposeful merchandise that will have a fun and powerful impact on your life as well as those you choose to gift it to. In addition to our sourced goodies, this is also where you will find our very own line of Within Me Now! dolls, books, merchandise, and apparel. And because we believe that when we give we receive, with every purchase of a Within Me Now character and book set, a donation is made to one of our many charitable partners.